1,413 research outputs found

    Structure and structure relaxation

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    A discrete--dynamics model, which is specified solely in terms of the system's equilibrium structure, is defined for the density correlators of a simple fluid. This model yields results for the evolution of glassy dynamics which are identical with the ones obtained from the mode-coupling theory for ideal liquid--glass transitions. The decay of density fluctuations outside the transient regime is shown to be given by a superposition of Debye processes. The concept of structural relaxation is given a precise meaning. It is proven that the long-time part of the mode-coupling-theory solutions is structural relaxation, while the transient motion merely determines an overall time scale for the glassy dynamics

    Comment on ``Spherical 2 + p spin-glass model: An analytically solvable model with a glass-to-glass transition''

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    Guided by old results on simple mode-coupling models displaying glass-glass transitions, we demonstrate, through a crude analysis of the solution with one step of replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) derived by Crisanti and Leuzzi for the spherical s+ps+p mean-field spin glass [Phys. Rev. B 73, 014412 (2006)], that the phase behavior of these systems is not yet fully understood when ss and pp are well separated. First, there seems to be a possibility of glass-glass transition scenarios in these systems. Second, we find clear indications that the 1RSB solution cannot be correct in the full glassy phase. Therefore, while the proposed analysis is clearly naive and probably inexact, it definitely calls for a reassessment of the physics of these systems, with the promise of potentially interesting new developments in the theory of disordered and complex systems.Comment: 5 pages, third version (first version submitted to Phys. Rev. B on November 2006

    Critical Dynamics in Glassy Systems

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    Critical dynamics in various glass models including those described by mode coupling theory is described by scale-invariant dynamical equations with a single non-universal quantity, i.e. the so-called parameter exponent that determines all the dynamical critical exponents. We show that these equations follow from the structure of the static replicated Gibbs free energy near the critical point. In particular the exponent parameter is given by the ratio between two cubic proper vertexes that can be expressed as six-point cumulants measured in a purely static framework.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication on PRE. Discussion of the connection with MCT added in the Conclusion

    Divergent four-point dynamic density correlation function of a glassy colloidal suspension: a diagrammatic approach

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    We use a recently derived diagrammatic formulation of the dynamics of interacting Brownian particles [G. Szamel, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 084515 (2007)] to study a four-point dynamic density correlation function. We re-sum a class of diagrams which separate into two disconnected components upon cutting a single propagator. The resulting formula for the four-point correlation function can be expressed in terms of three-point functions closely related to the three-point susceptibility introduced by Biroli et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 195701 (2006)] and the standard two-point correlation function. The four-point function has a structure very similar to that proposed by Berthier and collaborators [Science 310, 1797 (2005), J. Chem. Phys. 126, 184503 (2007)]. It exhibits a small wave vector divergence at the mode-coupling transition

    Colloidal glass transition: Beyond mode-coupling theory

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    A new theory for dynamics of concentrated colloidal suspensions and the colloidal glass transition is proposed. The starting point is the memory function representation of the density correlation function. The memory function can be expressed in terms of a time-dependent pair-density correlation function. An exact, formal equation of motion for this function is derived and a factorization approximation is applied to its evolution operator. In this way a closed set of equations for the density correlation function and the memory function is obtained. The theory predicts an ergodicity breaking transition similar to that predicted by the mode-coupling theory, but at a higher density.Comment: to be published in PR

    Mode Coupling relaxation scenario in a confined glass former

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of a Lennard-Jones binary mixture confined in a disordered array of soft spheres are presented. The single particle dynamical behavior of the glass former is examined upon supercooling. Predictions of mode coupling theory are satisfied by the confined liquid. Estimates of the crossover temperature are obtained by power law fit to the diffusion coefficients and relaxation times of the late α\alpha region. The bb exponent of the von Schweidler law is also evaluated. Similarly to the bulk, different values of the exponent γ\gamma are extracted from the power law fit to the diffusion coefficients and relaxation times.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, changes in the text, accepted for publication on Europhysics Letter

    Critical Decay at Higher-Order Glass-Transition Singularities

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming systems, it is shown that the correlation functions for density fluctuations for states at A_3- and A_4-glass-transition singularities can be presented as an asymptotic series in increasing inverse powers of the logarithm of the time t: ϕ(t)figi(x)\phi(t)-f\propto \sum_i g_i(x), where gn(x)=pn(lnx)/xng_n(x)=p_n(\ln x)/x^n with p_n denoting some polynomial and x=ln (t/t_0). The results are demonstrated for schematic models describing the system by solely one or two correlators and also for a colloid model with a square-well-interaction potential.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of "Structural Arrest Transitions in Colloidal Systems with Short-Range Attractions", Messina, Italy, December 2003 (submitted

    Structural Relaxation and Mode Coupling in a Simple Liquid: Depolarized Light Scattering in Benzene

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    We have measured depolarized light scattering in liquid benzene over the whole accessible temperature range and over four decades in frequency. Between 40 and 180 GHz we find a susceptibility peak due to structural relaxation. This peak shows stretching and time-temperature scaling as known from α\alpha relaxation in glass-forming materials. A simple mode-coupling model provides consistent fits of the entire data set. We conclude that structural relaxation in simple liquids and α\alpha relaxation in glass-forming materials are physically the same. A deeper understanding of simple liquids is reached by applying concepts that were originally developed in the context of glass-transition research.Comment: submitted to New J. Phy

    Asymptotic analysis of mode-coupling theory of active nonlinear microrheology

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    We discuss a schematic model of mode-coupling theory for force-driven active nonlinear microrheology, where a single probe particle is pulled by a constant external force through a dense host medium. The model exhibits both a glass transition for the host, and a force-induced delocalization transition, where an initially localized probe inside the glassy host attains a nonvanishing steady-state velocity by locally melting the glass. Asymptotic expressions for the transient density correlation functions of the schematic model are derived, valid close to the transition points. There appear several nontrivial time scales relevant for the decay laws of the correlators. For the nonlinear friction coeffcient of the probe, the asymptotic expressions cause various regimes of power-law variation with the external force, and two-parameter scaling laws.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Equilibrium route to colloidal gellation: mixtures of hard sphere-like colloids

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    The binodals and the non-ergodicity lines of a binary mixture of hard sphere-like particles with large size ratio are computed for studying the interplay between dynamic arrest and phase separation in depletion-driven colloidal mixtures. Contrarily to the case of hard core plus short range effective attraction, physical gellation without competition with the fluid-phase separation can occur in such mixtures. This behavior due to the oscillations in the depletion potential should concern all simple mixtures with non-ideal depletant, justifying further studies of their dynamic properties